Spring for most is one the best season for mixing and matching outfits. You get the chance to wear spring clothing in addition to mixing certain winter and summer outfits depending on the weather. However,…
Imagine a situation where you’ve been invited to a friend’s or a friend of a friend’s BBQ at his backyard over the summer weekend. You know it’s going to be a cool and fun event…
Once upon a time, clothes were just a section of skin from a dead animal. It offered protection, covered your body moderately well, and it was functional. Fast forward a couple millenniums, now clothing…
As we are experiencing near-record breaking cold it’s important to start thinking about ways to protect yourself. Meteorologists have already warned that the extreme cold is enough to cause frostbite within minutes of having your…
Hosted dinners and parties during the holidays? As much fun as it was, you knew that keeping your home clean afterwards would be a chore. From drink stains all over your sofas and chairs to…
Sweaters are best worn at this time of year. However, improper care of them can result in a few trips to the mall to find a new sweater. You see, moths are harmless to you…
Winter is right around the corner so wearing a coat will be a must. Considering how cold it can get during the winter, a good quality coat is worth the investment. However, how to take…
Summer is almost over but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue wearing your favorite summer outfits. White shirts and tops are some of the best clothing you can wear during the summer. Whites are known…
Although it’s still summer, it is never too early to begin preparing for the fall season. Leather and suedes are some of the most popular clothing worn in the fall. They are light weight and…
The weather has certainly gotten warmer over these past few weeks which means that inviting your friends and guests to your house only to stay indoors, isn’t going to cut it anymore. They want to…