Most Manhattan residents live in high-rise or multi-level dwellings with windows that are permanently shut. Their buildings’ air filtration systems may not be maintained often enough to ensure that all stale air, toxins, pollutants, bacteria,…
Decades ago, families invested in living room furniture which included a coffee table, one or two arm chairs, and a big sofa, loveseat, or sectional. This room was strictly ‘off limits’ except when their guests…
Hosted dinners and parties during the holidays? As much fun as it was, you knew that keeping your home clean afterwards would be a chore. From drink stains all over your sofas and chairs to…
Sofas and chairs often receive a lot of attention when first purchased, so much so that even tiny crumbs may have been picked up right away. Over time, fabric-covered surfaces tend to fade into the…
Its 2017! The holiday season is behind us and life is beginning to normalize for most of us. For those who went out for the holidays, life moves on as usual. However, for those who…
Summertime is the best time to bring guests over for frequent summer parties. However, with frequent parties come frequent messes. No matter how careful you are, stains always occur. Therefore, it is important that you…
Winter is over and spring is here. After a busy first half of the month preparing taxes, now it’s time to do some spring cleaning. Don’t know what to clean first? Arthur Copeland recommends starting with…
Spring cleaning time is here! The outdoor temperatures are finally starting to warm up. After a particularly long, cold winter it is time to start focusing on the arrival of spring. For most people that…