Essential Winter Clothing Care Tips

During the winter months, you rely on a wider range of clothing options than during any of the other seasons. It’s likely that your closet, shelves, and drawers provide storage for coats, jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, heavier pants, skirts, tunics, and dresses, to name a few. Keeping these items fresh and ready to go is a priority when you want to dress as warmly as possible before going outside. Before you toss any item into your washer, however, have a look at its care label. Chances are, for many winter garments, the label will say, “dry clean only”. That’s when it is most important to contact Cameo by Copeland Cleaners. Our professional dry cleaner services will have your warmest wardrobe items fresh and ready to go, expertly cleaned, looking just as pristine as the day you bought it. Once you’ve had your winter clothing dry cleaned at the start of the season, here are some tips to ensure that you can maximize your wearings between visits to our premises.
- Treat Stains Immediately: Do not allow a stain to set. Ignoring it not only increases the chances that it will be harder to remove, but also some stains can degrade and destroy the fibers of the garment, as well as remove the dye. Rock salt stains are the worst offenders here, so be sure to take a clean sponge dipped in a detergent solution and remove and any all traces of splashes from mud, slush, snow, and rain as these elements retain rock salt. This way, you’ll maximize the benefits of the dry cleaner services you invested in before the winter began.
- Wear a Base Layer: Get in the habit of donning a thin, washable base layer between your skin and garments such as cashmere sweaters. This way any oils or moisturizers will not penetrate the knit fibers which can cause stains as well as develop odors over time.
- Hang Your Garments Properly: Do not get in the habit of throwing a coat or jacket over a hook in your entry vestibule. The correct way to stow these garments is on a sturdy padded hanger which will allow shoulders to retain their shape as well as the item to hang properly. This will not only prevent wrinkles, but also ensure that linings and padding does not separate or bunch up.
- Determine Which Items Can Be Reworn: Outerwear, sweaters, pants, skirts, just about every winter wardrobe item can be refreshed between wearings by lightly spraying with one of the many aerosol products available at groceries and big box stores. Not only do these formulations remove odors, but also leave a pleasant scent, and can extend the time between sending them out for our dry cleaning services.
When your winter clothes items require cleaning, just call Cameo by Copeland Cleaners to arrange for our free pickup and delivery dry cleaning service. We respect your time and busy schedule and are pleased to accommodate you. Give us a call today!